Drying chambers for fruit, vegetable, grain and medical herbs

- Drying chambers for fruit, vegetable, grain and medical herbs
Drying Chambers Type-S
Drying chambers type S are used for drying fruit, vegetable, grain and medical herbs up to 300kg/ 24 hour capacity on the basis of row plums.
CONSTRUCTION:According to the way of drying these are indirect drying chambers with forced convection. The body of the drying chamber is made of panels (metal) approved for use in food industry, and space between sheets is filled with light insulation. On the front part of the drying chamber there is a door with manual mechanism for opening. Drying chamber is recirculating
Universal tunnel drying chamber type-MTS
For drying fruit, vegetable, wild berries and medical herbs. Depending on the type of row material which is to be dried a preparation of row material needs to be done prior to drying process. Preparation of material considers: washing, peeling, cutting etc. CONSTRUCTION MTS:
Considering construction there are few differences between MTS and VTS types:
Ručnom načinu šaržiranja kolica u sušaru u odnosu na mehanički kod VTS sušara
Konstrukcija sušare MTS je sa bočnim vratima u odnosu na čeona vrata kod sušara
Universal tunneling drying chamber type-VTS
For drying fruit, vegetable, wild berries and medical herbs. Depending on the type of row material which is to be dried a preparation of row material needs to be done prior to drying process.
NAČIN ŠARŽIRANjA:Sirovi materijal koji treba da se suši postavlja se na lese, koje se slažu na kolica i ubacuju u sušaru. U zavisnosti od kapaciteta u sušari se istovremeno nalazi odgovarajući broj kolica. Radi manipulacije i kontinualnosti procesa sušenja uz sušaru se isporučuju jedna kolica više od broja koji je
Belt conveyor drying chambers type-TST
For high capacity industrial drying of fruit, vegetable, wild berries and medical herbs.
CONSTRUCTION:According to drying manner this is indirect drying chamber with forced convection. Drying chamber consists of two tunnels. In the upper tunnel there is one belt conveyor and in the lower two. Width of belt conveyors is 2 meters. Upper channel has the possibility to function with 100% of fresh air.
Tuneli kod trakaste sušare podeljeni su na segmente (zone). Svaki segment sadrži: grejno telo za zagrevanje
Vertical drying chamber for grain type-VSK
Drying of grain agricultural cultures such as corn, wheat, sunflower etc. on smaller agricultural farms.
TECHNICAL DATA:This is drying chamber with indirect drying where heating of the air needed for drying is done without recirculation.
Tower of the drying chamber consists of elements ( cells) placed in the system of small roofs.
Zrno se preko spiralnog ili kofičastog transportera usipa u gornji deo tornja sušare (usipnu ćeliju). Zrno se kreće odgovarajućom brzinom odozgo na dole i prolazi kroz tri